Thursday, January 15, 2009

A mommy and me day!

School called on account of cold. Hmm, now that just sounds strange. No snow, no ice, just....cold. Oh well, who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Every evening and weekend I get to spend with my girl but there is something special about a unplanned day of just the 2 of us. The endless adventures we will have. The play-doh ice cream cones with sprinkles that she can't get enough of, the same book read over and over, the begging for mandarin oranges, the silly giggling, that smile that will make the world right no matter what has gone wrong. I'll bet when we go to daddy's work to have lunch with him she will go right for the drawer where she knows he will have suckers waiting for her.

I'm so excited! My morning will start at 4:00 a.m. when my miracle will crawl into bed next to me and say "let's snuggle, Mommy". She will then kiss me and say "I love you, Mommy". And we will snuggle warm and cozy under the covers until the alarm wakes us back up. **SIGH** I could never envision a time in my life where I would ever look forward to 4:00 a.m. But I truly look forward to that time!


  1. So sweet!! Have a fun day with your little girl!!

  2. I hope it was a great day! What a sweet way to start your morning!
